tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 29, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
7:00 pm and i will actually make a real christmas card this year. let us know. remember, we are always fair and balanced. we're not the destroy trump media. unfortunately that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. you can vote. i don't want the audience being influenced by your vote. don't go with laura because of whatever she says because it's not going to be good. i feel it coming. >> laura: there is a scintillating segment first of all let me say. number one. number two, this is the second night in the row where you have shared baby photos with us. this is shameless. >> sean: tomorrow night you bring yours. >> laura: look what a cutie pie i was. look at me riding my little lamb with the wheels on it. that is so shameless. >> sean: i want photos of laura ingraham as baby tomorrow night at this time. >> laura: no problem. i vote for you looking really scary and mean because that's the fun hannity. that's what i want. >> sean: i can't even duplicate that look.
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>> laura: hannity, by the way, let me say. this you have been throwing spaghetti and cheerios ever since you were in that baby chair. >> sean: have a good show. >> laura: i am going to bring those photos in tomorrow. good evening from washington. this is the ingraham angle. ♪ >> laura: what a day, too much news for just one hour we will get through it together. we have gathered the very best for you tonight. a huge break through in the president's tax plan in the senate. i talk to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell about what kind of break you might get, at least you hope you are going to get. we get his take on that wild senate race in alabama and what might happen to roy moore if he actually gets elect. i also sit down with marco rubio on the possible existence, get this, of a sexual harassment slush fund in the senate. stay tuned for that.
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and herman cain is here as well. we haven't seen him in a while. we're going to ask him if the shawl sexual assault allegations are going too far. i will deliver a very important message to all of your melania haters out there in the media. that will be at the end of the hour. you do not want to miss it. but, first, we start with a question that's on the minds of many americans. ♪ the guy around the world ♪ nation ♪ where in the world is matt lauer? >> laura: i guess where he was all those trips. oh, well. we know tonight that we can report, of course, matt lauer is no longer the anchor over at "the today show." fired overnight and reportedly with no warning. hoyelauer is the second morning anchor to fall in a week. they had one of the most profitable chan friday.
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nbc said the firing followed recent accusations from one coworker. variety magazine did their own two month investigation published today and found evidence of a lot more wider and abusive conduct. hours after that the "new york times" reported two more claims. and lauer's coworker savanna guthrie, hoda learned the news just before they reported it at the top of today show. that's quite an opening. they all and their colleagues at 30 rock were visibly shaken by this news. >> all we can say is that we are heart broken. i'm heart broken for matt. he is my dear, dear friend and my partner. he is beloved by many, many people here. how do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly? >> i have known matt for 15 years. it's hard to reconcile what we are hearing with the man who we know who walks in this building every single day. >> i texted him this morning and said i adore you.
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and no person is perfect in this world. nobody is. >> my thoughts, of course, was matt. he has been a friend. he has been a mentor. he has been a guy you could watch. a guy who led by his example on the set. >> i am stunned by this. i have known matt for 25 years. i consider him to be a friend. willie was apt in his description of matt. >> laura: then again maybe there were some warning signs just below the radar. back in 2012 lauer's long-time host katie couric said something in an interview that didn't get much notice at the time but maybe it should have. >> "the today show" with matt lauer for 15 years. what is matt's most annoying habit? >> he pinches me on the ass a lot. >> laura: lovely. said it with kind of a sour face there. katie wasn't kidding. that's genuine disgust. it makes you wonder how nbc supposedly missed this for
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all these years. also getting a close second look is a today show promo that seemed to openly hint at lauer's reputation for inappropriate behavior with ladies. and possibly a habit of, i don't know, walking around without his pants? >> oh. drink it, in ladies. >> again, matt, really? >> it's the third time this week. >> did your mommy give you those? >> stop it you are making me. >> get it while it lasts. >> laura: again, nbc claims none of their current leadership knew about lauer's past. it seems kind of hard to believe now. to help us make sense of all of this the shock waves in the media world will bring in media analyst howie kirtz. one thing joe flint tweeted the following nbc news doubles down. we can now say prior to monday night, current in connection with news management was never made aware of any complaints
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about lauer's conduct, said the network. current nbc management. jeff zucker over at cnn was the executive producer of "the today show" for many years. very successful. and he had a ver terse statement through a spokesperson that there was never a complaint filed against him during his time there. >> the complaint part might be true it certainly raises a lot of questions about who at nbc management knew about this. nbc, laura, tried to seize the moral high ground by saying we fired matt lauer as soon as we got this complaint 36 hours. it's true nbc took swift action. clearly this was a preemptive move before the variety piece comes out with allegations about him giving a sex toy to a coworker. exposing himself. >> laura: there is a photo apparently that they have now. >> pretty graphic stuff. and a "new york times" piece talks about a woman who said she did have sex in 2001 with matt laura that she felt pressured to save her
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job. nbc tried to control the narrative by not giving much detail that shows that these allegations have been out there for some time. >> laura: just going back to jeff zucker though it reminds me of what we were hearing about harvey weinstein that oh, i'm shocked. i can't believe that harvey weinstein. and then you heard -- i had heard about harvey weinstein in 1997. i was on the today show a bunch of times. i always liked matt lauer. he was you a liberal guy. he was nothing but nice to me. i had very minimal reaction with him. from the katie couric comment to that odd promo. there were a couple other things that have popped up on tape, it's a little strange for a network that prides itself on being so pro-women and we are all for girl power and it's a little odd and jeff zucker, he doesn't come out on camera today. one of his old friends. old buddies. nothing. >> you have to cringe looking at these now skits
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and what katie couric said and all that what happened was the environment has changed. whereas it might have been easy for nbc and other networks, laura, other networks have this these problems. >> we have. >> not turn a blind eye to some of the women complaining in the era of harvey weinstein and all the politicians now al franken and roy moore. con conyers. cbs dumps charlie rose and nbc dumps matt lauer. there are a lot of unanswered questions. was nbc allowing. >> laura: they are not revealing the name of the young woman who said in 2014 he approached her at the olympics. >> right. now, i think that may be because that woman and other women are not ready to go forward and you can understand them not wanting their lives to blow up. at the same time, it just fuels. this is the beginning of the story a lot more to know about this and the way the
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networks now respond to these kinds of allegations and who knew what when. >> laura: is the revenge of ann curry. >> unceremoniously. >> laura: other people wanted to talk to. i would like to hear from all of them. i appreciate it, howy. thank you so much. shawlsexual assault allegations are serious. when can s. an allegation enough to take a public figure down? my old bus supreme court justice clarence thomas knows a things or two about that and my next guest herman cain speaking publicly billion accusations that derailed his bid for the white house in 2012. herman, it's great to see you first of all. welcome back to the network. this has been a wild time. a lot of icons in the media world. one after the other taken down. a producer from state of the union on cnn. it was unceremoniously fired today for inappropriate
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conduct. no sexual attack or anything. but inappropriate conduct. and the list goes on and on. what are your feelings about given the accusations against you in 2012? >> well, first, laura, congratulations on your new show. >> laura: that i think. >> the ingraham angle and now you are going to get the kaine critique on the subject that you raised. first of all you can't look at all of these the same because they are not. some of them have evidence, including pictures that it actually happened. some of them were based upon accusations, spiculation, but no confirmation. now, i can't talk about all these situations, but i can talk about my situation there were a lot of accusations and there was a lot of speculation to try to derail my campaign but know confirmation. and the reason was the liberal media didn't want to
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know the truth. they did not want to know what the facts were about the people that were accusing me. now what's different about my situation, and let's just say roy moore's situation, is that they came after me with repeatedly attacks and accusations but no confirmation. they now believe that if they throw more and more and more mud on the wall, that eventually people are going to believe it but that has back fired because, as you know, the latest poll shows roy moore is now back in the lead in alabama and the people in alabama are going to have to decide. >> laura: erman, you decided to bow out in 2012. you had a really, you know, strong and vibrant following. and. >> yes. >> laura: a lot of people just liked your presence in the race. but when these things started ping, ping, ping, one after another coming out you just decided for my
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family's sake, i'm not going to continue. do you regret that now looking back? do you wish you had stayed in and fought it out? >> no, i do not. as you pointed out, they came week one, week two, week three. and what we concluded was that it was going to continue four, five, and six, the way it did with the judge roy moore. i bowed out primarily because not because i couldn't take the harassment, i couldn't take the firestorm. but because my family, grandchildren especially, start to hear jokes about their pappa on the music station and i did not want that to continue. if i had stayed in the race, it was only going to get worse and worse and worse. why? because the liberal media who wanted to develop a firestorm to stop somebody, they were not going to stop
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i didn't want to continue to put my family members at all levels in that position. >> laura: i want to share something with you that happened today, apparently at this democratic caucus meeting. and this was involving the john conyers situation. there is a push probably that looks like, you know, boot him out of congress and encourage him to resign. james clyburn has compared john conyers' accusers to the child murderer susan smith who initially claimed a black man had abducted her kids and clyburn saying that these are all white women who have made these charges against conyers. what do you make of that outrageous claim? >> laura. >> laura: who care what is color their skin is? >> color has nothing to do with it. they are trying to deflect the subject and to deflect the accusation. john conyers is one of those situations where there is salute proof that he did
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some of the things that he did. i mean, you take senator al franken, you have a picture. it shows that he did some of the things that he was accused of. now, you have got other situations where it's all accusations, speculation with no confirmation. we got confirmation with representative conyers. we got confirmation with al franken and we got confirmation with charlie rose. those have confirmation and they have even admitted it. but you have got a lot of others out there based on accusations and speculation but no confirmation. >> laura: what about this slush fund, herman, in the house of representatives where they are paying out $17 million. some of them are not sexually related but apparently none of these congressman knew about it and no one, as far as i know, i have interviewed in
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the house is demanding that the names be released of who was accused of what. do you think that's important? yes it's important. i believe now that come to life that representative conyers used that slush fund for some of the things he wanted to cover up. yes. the american people and the voters and the taxpayers deserve an explanation. we didn't even know that this slush fund existed. >> laura: no, no, none of these guys knew. it's a title scandal. it's great to he so you back. thanks so much for joining us. up next, our exclusive with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell trying to push that tax reform bill through the senate and weighs in. you went believe what he says about the alabama senate race and sex abuse allegations on capitol hill all coming up. ♪ ♪ so you think it's a possibility he could be expelled from the senate?
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sometimes including yours truly on a daily basis. early this evening, believe it or not, i sat down with him and he was nice enough to give an exclusive interview to the ingraham angle where he addresses a range of topics. the wave of sex harassment allegations rocking capitol hill, the alabama senate race and a lot more. but we began with a g.o.p.'s do or die tax reform push. senators mcconnell thanks so much for joining us tonight. you just left the senate floor. the battle is underway for tax reform. how is it looking. >> unanimous republican vote to go forward with the tax bill. hoping it will be unanimous at the end, but we all agreed to get started after a lot of negotiations. i'm optimistic we are going to deliver comprehensive tax reform to the american people for the first time in 31 years. >> laura: now, marco rubio and mike lee kind of a last-minute move are pushing for a hike in the corporate tax cut from 20% to 22%. and they then want to give
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more relief to lower income people with children. where is that going to go and is that going to be a monkey wrench in your plan here? >> we'll see. i mean, it's open for amendment. there will be plenty of amendments both on the republican side and the democratic side. but what i think we have 100 percent agreement on, laura, is that we want to do comprehensive tax reform for the first time since the second reagan administration. you know, the dials may twist a little bit as we go along, but the core is middle class tax relief and making our businesses more competitive against other businesses around the world. and to keep our jobs here in this country. >> laura: so donald trump originally wanted 15%. went up to 20%. and you're saying tonight it could go up to 22% after this is all over? >> my preference is 20%. the senate is going to work it will. there are going to be plenty of amendments on both sides. i think the core effort here, middle class tax
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relief and keeping our jobs in the country are going to be intact at the end. >> laura: some of the headlines about what you are trying to do with tax reform. just a couple. g.o.p.'s ugly secret. tax plan would force a quarter trillion-dollar cut in medicare. 1.4 trillion to the deficit is going to really hurt higher education. going to make it more expensive college presidents say. specifically on this quarter trillion-dollar cut over time and medicare, going to force spending cuts on medicare. >> that's, of course, completely false. >> laura: how? >> it's not true. we are not touching medicare at all in this bill. not at all. and on the deficit question you raised, we would only have to grow four tenths of 1% over the next 10 years. four tenths of 1% over the next 10 years to fill that 1 trillion-dollar gap that the
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critics saying is going to sit there as if the economy wasn't going to respond to this incredible relief. it's going to get from the burdennible of high taxation. nonsense? >> laura: they are not worried about the deficit. you think the growth spurred by these tax cuts. >> this is not going to be a deficit producing effort. >> laura: why didn't you guys go with a border adjustment tax that would have actually infused some more money into this process? you would have been able to get cleaner tax reform. cleaner tax cuts. ryan was for it some people called it a value-added tax. >> it was a lot of resistance to that, a lot. and it was sort of aired out by the house last year when we were in early discussions about this. i couldn't have passed it in the senate. we have to deal with what can pass. i need 50 votes. we have 52 republicans. we have all 52 who want to get to yes. but that was just not something i could sell in the senate. >> laura: john mccain has
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been kind of a thorn in the side of the trump administration. they have had acrimonious relationship going back to the campaign. right now do you think he's the biggest obstacle to this getting to the ultimate 50/50? >> he voted to get on the bill. i know john mccain well enough to know he is not going to cast a vote on tax reform no matter how he may feel about the current member of the white house. >> >> laura: you don't think that comes into play. >> i don't think so, no. >> laura: let's talk about other issues. there is a whole bunch going on in the country right now. the alabama senate race taking up a lot of oxygen in the political landscape. he is up now in the polls 5%. you favored luther strange. a lot of money went in to supporting luther strange. he didn't win. roy moore won. i actually supported mo brooks. roy moore won. now all these allegations against him. you said he should step aside. he may very well win this
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election. what does that say about four influence in the senate? does it have any implication for you? he wants to unseat you, he says. >> president trump and i are on the same side. we both supported luther strange even though you supported mo brooks. the people in alabama decided to go in a different direction. december the 12th they will get to decide who they want to send to the senate and we will deal with that when that happens. >> laura: when that happens, there are still senator who say we could vote to expel him to the u.s. senate. what does that say to the state of alabama? they have heard all the argument, you say you believe the women that came forward. i tend to think some of them are credible. people in alabama are hearing it all. should you in the senate invalidate that by expelling him out? >> we will deal with the aftermath the decision of the people of alabama make on the 12th. >> laura: i think there is a possibility he could be expelled from the senate. >> i think there is a
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possibility he will have ethics issue. >> laura: ethics investigation once he gets here. >> i think testimony almost certain. >> laura: how far back will they go? >> it will be up to the committee. >> laura: there a lot of ethics investigations going on. >> unfortunately, yeah. >> laura: the senate doesn't have a fund like the house has one of those they are going it a shush fund or slush fund? >> are you talking about harassment cases? >> laura: yi. >> we are taking a look at completely changing whatever the status quo is we two weeks ago in the senate passed a measure to require mandatory training. we got a bipartisan group of republican and democratic women in the senate giving us advice about the next step and clearly the status question is not acceptable. >> laura: kirsten gillibrand who has been on this issue and it effects the military, junior senator from new york, she came out and she said well, bill clinton really should have, you know, basically resigned. i mean, isn't it a little
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kirsten come lately on bill clinton? he was accused of raping juanita broderick. kathleen willey and jones. critics kicking the to the cush. do you find that to be political? what is it? >> without relitigating all that what are we going to do. we passed a measure requiring mandatory training. before the end of the year high likelihood pass either another senate rule or legislation to outline the best way to handle these kind of cases in the future. under any circumstances, whatever is passed, any member of congress ought to be personally liable, personally liable for any for any case that he or she loses. >> laura: have you in favor of unmasking the names of those in any type of settlement group over in the house? >> retroactively? >> laura: there is a whole bunch of people whose names are unknown. even apparently to the
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congressman who is in charge of the committee that is supposedly oversees it. >> my attitude about that i want to wait and see what the women of the senate recommend on that and other issues we are talking about. >> laura: it could be possible that we will never learn. >> i want to see what the women of the senate recommend. >> laura: why not the women of the senate? >> i think they are in a very good position to take the lead. some men are involved as the well on both sides. >> laura: up next part two of my talk with leader mcconnell, including his strong response to those in the media questioning president trump's mental fitness for office. and a possible government shutdown. and later the media will not stop attacking melania trump. i'm going to respond in a continuing angle you don't want to miss. ♪ ♪ and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar
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office is becoming a vicious, relentless obsession of the left. so i asked senate majority leader mitch mcconnell about that in part two of our exclusive interview tonight. >> laura: two different cable networks today msnbc and cnn at different points in the day were raising serious questions, i mean, these are big league reporters, about the mental state of president trump. implying or not just implying, saying that he looks like he has early on set dementia. he is unstable. is he destructive, he is imbalanced at a time where we could very well be facing a war with north korea. you've had a lot of interaction with the president. tell us about what you view his intellectual mental capacity? >> those accusations are absolutely outrageous. i mean, i speak to the president on virtually daily basis. and i'm involved with him all the time on all these issues. that accusation is totally
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baseless and outrageous. >> laura: it's so personal and as someone -- my father had dementia and it's personal to me. yet these charges are being thrown around, a lot of people believe, as a precursor to perhaps a democrat takeover in 2018 and then ultimately a push to try to remove him from office. that feeling is in this building. the democrats want to invalidate this election one way or another. >> look, i think those kind of accusations are completely off base and irresponsible. let's argue over the issues. we have different points of view. for example, the decision to get on the tax bill was totally partisan. every democrat said i don't want to do tax reform. every republican said i do. that's the appropriate area for us to have our discussions in public about the future of the country. >> laura: moving onto the government funding, government shut down. chuck schumer has actually said as much that he would be willing to move to have the government shut down, he wouldn't blame himself but
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have the government shut down over amnesty for daca, the dreamers. and, yet, in 2013, he said this: >> don't hold the american people hostage simply because you're so sure you're right and everyone else is wrong. >> laura: would this be political suicide for the democrats to shut the government down over amnesty for illegal immigrants? >> yeah. that would be a pretty dumb place for them to end up and i don't think in the end they will end up there. >> laura: the president has said he is open to a daca deal. tom cotton, senator purdue have this idea of the reyes act. chain migration. 70/30 issue. not a political issue. every mexican comes into the united states on average brings six family members. for over two green card holders or illegal immigrants they bring in seven. for most americans that's too much. would you tonight commit to making that part of any future daca amnesty?
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>> yeah. agree with cotton and perdue. the president has given us until march to deal with the issue of daca. and the question is whether you are just going to do that and nothing else. i'm in favor of doing something on the daca front. these kids came here through no act of their own. that's an example of legitimate case to be made. i don't think we ought to just do that. a dhan migration, doing something about the diversity lottery there are plenty of changes to the legal immigration system that should be added to any kind of a daca fix that we do. >> laura: do you think the election was a mandate on passing immigration policies that are geared more toward the american workers? would you agree with that? >> i think clearly immigration, the president made that a front and center issue the wall which we are still trying to achieve for him was only part of it. and i think there is a great interest in changing the
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legal immigration system. by the way, i'm sure you share my view that legal immigration is important. my wife, the secretary of transportation, came here at age 8, not speaking a word of english. and legal immigration has been an important part of america for over 200 years. our entire existence. that doesn't mean you just let anybody in at any point and it doesn't mean you tolerate illegal entries. so the presiden has actually gis an opportunity here by saying he wants to fix daca but he doesn't want it all by itself. he want something with it i think the kinds of things you and i are discussing that cotton and perdue are pushing are exactly what ought to be part of a solution. >> laura: the tweets today from president trump. one about the sexual harassment case at nbc. another he retweeted muslim -- muslim videos where there are violence in them and apparently the source was someone a lot of people in britain think is
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unsavory figure. do these tweets make it more difficult for you to get stuff done here in congress. >> yeah. i'm not going to critique the president's tweeting habits. there has been much discussion about that all year. it's his decision. >> laura: schumer and pelosi didn't show up at the meeting yesterday two empty chairs. i actually liked the empty chairs, senator. i thought that was actually clarifying. >> it certainly keeps things lively. >> laura: i would be remiss if i didn't ask one other question i'm sorry. north korea, this is getting extremely tense if it wasn't tense before. would you urge the to be able to vote on use of force, military force if we're, indeed, getting involved in the korean peninsula again? >> well, if it gets to that the president is doing a great job. he is the first trying to get the attention of the chinese actually squeezing the north koreans as we speak. >> are you hopeful we can
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avert war in the korean peninsula. >> i am. >> laura: senator, thank you for your time. terrific. come back soon. and up next, another senate big wig. i will ask marco rubio about where he stands on daca amnesty. and also why the "wall street journal" today says he and schumer could be working to kill the president's tax plan. he responds up next and i have a message for those in the media who continue to pile on melania trump. you're not going to want to miss it so stay tuned. ♪ ♪
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get your first prescription free at ♪ >> laura: the big tax reform fight happening right now in the senate and one issue that kind of popped up and is a little bit surprising is the issue of further increasing the child tax credit. and it's actually being championed by one senator in particular. republican marco rubio and he has found himself kind of crossways with the white house and some conservatives as a result. >> laura: senator rubio thanks for joining us tonight. exciting times with the tax reform on the horizon. finally we are moving forward for real debate. i talked to mitch mcconnell earlier tonight. he thinks he is going to be able to get this done he is very optimistic. tonight the "wall street journal" has an editorial titled "the rubio/schumer
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amendment" florida republican tries to blow up the senate tax reform. what are you up to, you are going to blow up the senate tax reform. >> they are wrong about it let me tell you what it is, it's very simple. it's a child tax credit. it's designed to help working people. who are the people that would benefit from this? firefighters, members of the armed services, teachers, construction workers. >> laura: to get a child tax credit. >> a lot of people, because they make $40,000 a year, okay, they don't get to fully benefit from the child tax credit because they don't have a lot of income tax liability but they pay payroll tax. they are the working people in this country that have been ignored and forgotten. they are the people that elected president trump because they have been not just ignored but disrespected. all this says is you are going to keep more of your own money. that's what the amendment does. they actually say it's a disincentive to work. it's ridiculous. you can't get the tax credit if you are not working. this is people making between 20 and 50 and $60,000 would benefit greatly. if you look at the states
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would benefit the most. it's 18 of the top 20 states voted for the president in the 2016 election. why? because working people raising children are the people that voted to elect the president with a very clear message that they sent us here to fight for them, not for the money interest that controls washington. >> laura: i think president trump initially wanted 15 and then it went to 20, the corporate tax cut. but now under your plan it go up to 22. >> on the corporate side, a 22% corporate tax rate is 13 points lower than what it is now. the would still make us third among the g-7 nations. still put us below the global average. no difference in growth between 20 and 22. >> laura: numbers don't matter. >> they do matter but not in terms of growth. you will not see any less growth at 20 than 22. still ranks us third. there is a way to pay for it. >> laura: $100 billion or so. >> about $80 billion. >> laura: they said
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100 billion. >> here's why. >> laura: it's a lot of money. >> but it's not our money. it's not the government's money. it's the working people's money. these are welders. >> laura: they are getting a rebate for having children. what about people who don't have kids who are not making money? what about them? why don't they get the break. >> they don't have the expense of raising children. what we are saying if you are raising children, if you make $50,000 a year and raising three kids that money doesn't go nearly as far. >> laura: they are not paying taxes for the most part. doesn't have much of a tax liability. >> they still qualify for all sorts of. >> laura: will you be willing to blow the deal up if they don't go to 22%. >> i don't want to blow up the deal because if there is no tax reform there is no vehicle by which we can fix this. it already does go up to $2,000. i have never talked about conditioning anything. i'm saying this makes our tax reform more pro-worker which is where we need to be as a country. >> laura: speaking of workers. you want to do a daca deal by the end of the year. >> it depends. >> laura: do you think donald trump was elected to
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do a daca amnesty before something like obamacare repeal? do you think that's why they turned out for him. >> we tried to do obamacare repeal. it failed unfortunately because we couldn't get our conference together. here is what i said there is a difference between daca and the dream act. if what they want to do and the president has expressed to do. this daca temporary and acts as a bridge towards something more permanent. that's one thing. if what they want is to make a permanent change to immigration policy, it must be accompanied by permanent changes to security. >> laura: mcconnell said he is open to ending chain migration, everify, moistly what tom cotton and perdue is talking about tonight. chain migration is really the problem. are you going to commit to chain migration. ending chain migration. >> we said it should be limited to immediate family. we always said it should be a merit based system of immigration. we always said border security including the wall and entrance exit tracking system.
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everify. these are all things we have long supported. the debate is do you link it in the democrats don't want to. do you link it to anything else on immigration my answer is -- >> laura: trump's election result was a mandate to change this afrozen and focus as he said on the american worker. has been hammered by lousy immigration policy. >> that's why i support a merit based immigration system which is a reality in the 21st century our economy is fundamentally different than it was in 1969. >> the roy moore issue is out there. he is up in the polls. he may very well win this race. >> what happens if he wins and he comes to washington and people of alabama made his own call. it's not our call, it's their call. are you in favor of an ethics investigation that could perhaps lead to two thirds of the members expelling him? >> well, first of all, there is an ethics investigation. that's the first thing. i don't even know how you initiate that. >> laura: senator mcconnell was also very open to that. >> well,assuming that happens and people would obviously make their
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decisions on the enact emerge from it what's complicated about it and i have said this before, to be frank, i find the accusations against them to be credible. and i don't think anything he has said or done in the last couple weeks has helped him in that regard. that said, this information is before the voters of alabama. and if they elect him and then you as a senate have ethics hearings to remove him from office or something like that, that gets more complicated. that's more difficult because voters will have this information before them when they vote for him if, in fact, he is elected. >> laura: this issue of government shut down. schumer has said in the past 2013 no government shut down for policies. this is ridiculous. do you think he would actually shut the government down if he doesn't get his dreamer i don't think you can shut the united states down over that issue. i don't think you can or should. i think there would be a massive revolt.
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even perhaps within his own conference. >> laura: finally this house shush slush fund victims, bunch of things. settlements. is there any fund like that in the senate that you're aware of? >> i don't know. i'm not aware of it there probably is i have never used it obviously. i think that should be made public. that's taxpayer money. >> laura: i will say tonight that these people should be unmasked? we should know who these people are in the house who settled or the senate if there is such a fund. >> absolutely. it's public money. it's not their money. one thing you settle with your own money. if it's taxpayer money, taxpayers deserved to know. >> laura: great to have you on tonight. >> good to be with you. >> laura: thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: note he said there probably is a similar fund in the senate. another slush fund. up next, new attacks from the grinches on the left against melania trump. and her christmas kickoff at the white house which was so beautiful. guess what? i'm not letting them get away with that next.
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and how he got in the white house in the first place. that's all the time we have. shannon bream takes it from here. >> shannon: matt lauer fired alleged sexual misconduct. multiple women now making claims. >> we're heartbroken. >> shannon: a long time adviser debate. rose, weinstein, lauer, who else? what it means for the media, the left and capitol hill. and tax reform fears. another major hurdle. >> we'll give the american people a christmas president. >> how the president is working to win over hold-outs. and a campaign promise demanding answers why the u.s. embassy in israel hasn't moved
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